


Version 1.1 (21/4/2004)

1 The Diesel Engine
2 Theory of Vegetable Oil Use as a Fuel
3 Engine suitability
4 Heating the Oil
5 Biodiesel
6 Micro Emulsions and Blends
7 Vegetable Oil Engine Design
8 Vegetable Oil Furnaces and Heaters
9 Oil Types and Filtering
10 Taxation
11 Implications of Vegetable Oil Fuel Use
12 Sources

1 Goering, B. USDOE Seminar II. Vegetable Oils as Diesel Fuel, Oct. 21, 22, 1981

2 Advanced Combustion Research for Energy from Vegetable Oils (ACREVO) Project Final Report 1998 http://www.nf-2000.org/secure/Fair/F484.htm

3 Goering, C.E.; Schwab, A.W.; Campion, R.M.; Pryde, E.H. Trans. ASAE

4 Masjuki, H.; Abdulmain, M.Z.; Sii, H.S.; Chua, L.H.; Seow, K.S. J. Energy, Heat Mass Transfer 1994, 16, 295-304

5 Sii, H.S.; Masjuki, H.; Zaki, A.M. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1995, 72, 905-909.

6 Schur, P Diesel Fuel Substitute from vegetable oil 1995 http://members.lahn.de/zeta/salatoel/schur.html or http://members.aol.com/hpschur/raps.html

7 Nan, L.; Best, G.; De, C.C.; Neto, C. UN FAO Intergrated energy systems in China – The cold Northeastern region experience 1994 http://www.fao.org/docrep/T4470E/t4470e00.htm#Contents

8 HM Customs and Excise NOTICE 179E Biodiesel and Bioblend 2002

9 University Of Orleans The use of sunflower oil as Diesel fuel for a DI engine http://www.univ-orleans.fr/ESEM/LME/Commun/Doc/pdf/21Resume1.pdf

10 http://www.rerorust.de/

11 Schultz, Mort Crown’s Diesel Repair Manual, Crown Publishers Inc. New York 1984

12 Addison, Keith Journey to Forever – Oil Yields and Characteristics http://www.journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_yield.html

13 http://www.biodrive.ch

14 G. Knothe, R.O. Dunn, and M.O. Bagby "Biodiesel: The Use of Vegetable Oils and Their Derivatives as Alternative Diesel Fuels" in Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society.

15 Phillip Calais, Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, and A.R. (Tony) Clark, Western Australian Renewable Fuels Association Inc. "Waste Vegetable Oil as a Diesel Replacement Fuel"

16 European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Report on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 92/81/EEC with regard to the possibility of applying a reduced rate of excise duty on certain mineral oils containing biofuels and on biofuels(COM(2001) 547 ΠC5-0030/2002 Π2001/0266(CNS)) http://www2.europarl.eu.int/omk/sipade2?SAME_LEVEL=1&LEVEL=3&NAV=S&LSTDOC=Y&PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A5-2002-0218+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN

17 Terry de Winne Green Fuel Challenge -A proposal from industry 2001 http://www.biofuels.fsnet.co.uk/challenge.htm

18 Hans-Josef Fell Explanatory Memorandum http://www.hans-josef-fell.de/download/energie/biogene/biofuels.pdf

19 Terry de Winne How the 2002 UK biodiesel Tax Break came about and beyond 2002 http://www.biofuels.fsnet.co.uk/capitulation.htm

20 Terry de Winne Year Zero 2002 http://www.biofuels.fsnet.co.uk/yearzero.htm

21 Reddy, K. V. Babu, K. K. Ganesan, V. Effect of Injection Pressure on Diesel Engine Performance with Vegetable Oil: Diesel Blends 2000

22 Carl L. Alsberg and Alonzo E. Taylor The Fats and Oils: a General View, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, California 1928 http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/fatsoils/fatsoilsToC.html

23 Robert Edward Beggs Renewable Oil Fuels and Engines as Components of Sustainable System Design 2001

24 Jacob Bugge Note: Rape Seed Oil for Transport 2: Agriculture and Energy The Energy Purpose Market for Rape Oil 2000, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, http://www.folkecenter.dk/plant-oil/publications/agriculture_and_energy.pdf

25 Diesel, R., The Diesel Oil-Engine, Engineering 93:395 - 406 (1912). Chem. Abstr. 6:1984 (1912)

26 Diesel, R., The Diesel Oil-Engine and Its Industrial Importance Particularly for Great Britain, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.:179 - 280 (1912). Chem. Abstr. 7:1605 (1913)

27 Hillier, V. A. W., Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle Technology 4th ed. Stanlry Thornes (Publishers)Ltd 1991

28 Hemmerlein, N., Korte, K.,Richter, H., Performance, Exhaust Emissions and Durability of Modern Diesel Engines Running on Rapeseed Oil

29 Togashi, C., Kamide, J., Operation of a Diesel Engine Using Unrefined Rapeseed Oil as Fuel, 1999

30 Karaosmanoglu, F., Kurt, G., Turgut, O., Direct Use of Sunflower Oil as a Comression-Ignition Engine Fuel, 2000

31 Fuls, J., Hawkins, C. S., Hugo, F. J.C. Tractor Engine Performance on Sunflower Oil Fuel, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 30:29-35, 1984

32 http://www.elsbett.com

33 Peterson, Charles L. and Auld, Dick L. Technical Overview of Vegetable Oil as a Transportation Fuel 1991, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Idaho http://www.biodiesel.org/resources/reportsdatabase/reports/gen/gen-292.pdf

34 Elsbett The ELSBETT technology http://www.elsbett.com/gd/eteche.htm

35 Elsbett Technologie-Entwicklungen von ELSBETT an Motoren http://www.elsbett.com/gd/etech.htm

36 Owen, Philip Car In Trouble 2 January 2003 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vegoil-diesel

37 Cummins Position Statement on the use of Biodiesel Fuel Grove Service Bulletin # 01-037

38 Frei, Hans Personal Communication

39 Bosch Diesel Engine Management 1999 ISBN 0-7680-0509-4

40 Stone, Richard Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines 1999 ISBN 0-333-74013-0

41 Heisler, Heinz Advanced Engine Technology 1995 ISBN 0-340-56822-4

42 Yamaguchi J ‘Optical sensor feeds back diesel ignition timing’ Automotive Engineering Vol. 94 No. 4 1986

43 Mc Donnell, Kevin P, Ward, Shane M. & McNulty, Paul B. Results of engine and vehicle testing of semi-refined rapeseed oil University College Dublin

44 Provost, K Yahoo Groups: Biofuels 2002

45 Vaitilingom, G., Higelin, P., Andrzejewski, J. and Sapinski, A. ‘Effects of hexyl nitrate and inlet air temperature on the ignition delay of vegetable oils’ Entopie, 27, 39-43 1991

46 Clothier, P.Q.E., Aguda, B.D., Moise, A. and Pritchard, H. ‘How do diesel ignition improvers work?’ Chem. Soc. Rev., 22, 101-108 1993

47 Mason, M.H., Chen, Z., Tat, C., Heppert, J.A., Suppes, G.J‚ ’Sythesis of low nitrogen cetane improvers’ Prepr. – Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem., 43, 579-581 1998

48 Suppes, G.J., Chen, Z., Rui, Y., Mason, M., and Heppert, J.A. ‘Synthesis and cetane improver performance of fatty acid glycol nitrates’ Fuel, 78, 73-81 1999

49 Pflanzenoeltechnik-Nord GmbH Referenzen http://www.pflanzenoeltechnik-nord.de/refer.htm

50 Albrecht Transporte Kilometerleistung http://www.salatoelbomber.de/KmLeistung.htm

51 Burton, Rachel Energy Blog – Elsbett Workshop http://www.biofuels.coop/blog/archives/000066.html

52 Majewski, W.A. ’Biodiesel’ DieselNet Technology Guide http://www.DieselNet.com

1 The Diesel Engine
2 Theory of Vegetable Oil Use as a Fuel
3 Engine suitability
4 Heating the Oil
5 Biodiesel
6 Micro Emulsions and Blends
7 Vegetable Oil Engine Design
8 Vegetable Oil Furnaces and Heaters
9 Oil Types and Filtering
10 Taxation
11 Implications of Vegetable Oil Fuel Use
12 Sources

© All original material on this website is copyright Darren Hill, unless otherwise stated, and may be copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes only as long as the source of the material is stated and a reference to the vegburner website URL is included (http://vegburner.co.uk/). All material is provided "as is" without guarantees or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.